Accounts from Madrid announce the resignation of all the Spanish Ministers, except the Duke DE FRIAS, whom the Queen Regent wished to retain as President of the Council. A meeting of all the per- sons who had been Presidents of the Council since 1834 was held on the 19th, for the purpose of fixing on some course to be pursued; but the question as to the head of the next Ministry was not decided. Count °FALL° said, that no person of character would take the Fi- nance department. In the Cortes there had been some strong debates. The Minister of Justice said, that it was better to suspend the form of a constitution, since the reality could not be maintained. General SEOANE made a fierce attack on Count TOREN(/' whom he charges with peculation in a quicksilver contract. ARGUELLES vehemently defended TOREN°.
The condition of Cadiz was very unsatisfactory. The Governor had been called upon to resign, and there was a project for declaring Andalusia independent.