The Liberals of Devonport held a meeting, in the Town-hull,
on Monday evening, and adopted an address to be presented to Lord Dur- ham on his Lordship's !finding from the Inconstant frigate. The Mayor was in the chair. The correspondent of the Globe says, that the speakers were chic fly " Ultra- Liberals," and appeared to think Lord Durham's return a "godsend to their cause." The address ex- pressed regret that party-spirit in England bad cut short his Lordship's career of usefulness in Canada, but satisfaction that he had returned to aid the Liberal cause in England-
" Looking to your Lordship for that firm and uncompromising support of reform in the institutions of our country, which its social condition imperiously demands, they will hail with delight your Lordship's return among them, con- fidently relying that the cause with which your whole public career i4 identified will receive fresh life and vigour from your honest, able, and energetic exertions in its behalf. That your Lordship may be long spared to justily these views, and to complete your title to your country's gratitude, is our earriest prayer."