1 DECEMBER 1838, Page 5

A fire on F,Iturday destroyed extensive tanning works belonging to

:Mr. John Furuival, at Warrington. This is supposed to be the %rusk of an incendiary ; and the damage is estimated at about 8,000/.

Ou the same day, Messrs. Butterworth's mill at Rochdale was burnt down, and property worth '25,0004 destroyed.

There have been incendiary fires of farming stork and buildings at Great G. onerby, in Lincolnshire ; at Long Wittenhatn, Marcham, end Shaw, in Berkshire; and (two) at Keevil, in Wiltshire. The De- twes Gazette says—" During the time the fire was burning, some wretch c. onneeted with the Labourers Union at Trowlnidge, openly gloried in the scene, and said that it was merely a beginning. The fel- low surely ought to have been apprehended.

The effigy of the Bishop of Durham, together with a volume bear- ing the tole of " Turner's Sermons," were paraded through the streets of Bishop Auckland, on Monday evening. and afterwards publicly burnt together in the market-place. The Bishop was dressed in his canonicals, bearing a torch in his hand, and having the inscription of " Unitarian Bishoin"—Newcasile Journal.