The recent arrivals from India and Canada having In ought intelligence of an unsatisfactory nature, the Money Market law experienced a co/wider:We decline, all descriptions of English Stock having fallen fully h per vent. Consols have been done both to-day and yesterday at 9:11 for Monvy ; New Titree-atiol.a.lialf per Cents. at 1015. ; Long Annuities at 14;.. India and Bank stock have niaintained their prices, the former being 261 and the latter 203. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds have beeeis but slightly affected, the premium upon each not having declined mote than Is. to 2s. The settlement of the Consul Account occurred on Tuesday, and was chiefly remarkable fur the quantity of Stuck thrown upon the market, when, instead of them being a difficulty in procuring Stock for delivery, a continuation of 5 per cent. was given till the January Account. Since that period Stock has continued abundant ; and there can be little doubt that the public generally have sold their Stock. as notwithstanding the amount taken away by the purchases of the Savings Banks, which within the last few weeks have absorbed at least 500,000/. ; the supply of the commodity is still very great, and we have little doubt but that the Market will continue heavy until the closing of the books, which will occur (in all the Stocks the Dividends upon which become payable in January) in the course of next week. Money, though not so plentiful as formerly, is still uhtainable at easy rates, and we think it evident from the appearance of the market, that the confidence of the stockholder has been shaken by the rumours which have recently been prevalent. The Directors of the Bank issued yesterday their usual notieta exihessing their readiness to lend money at3% per cent., sums of not less than 2,000/. till the 2.3d Januaty, on bills of exchange, Exchequer Bills, India Bonds, or other ap- proved securities. The only difference between this notice and others of the same kind, is in the loans being made upon Exchequer Bills and other approved secu- rities, in which of course Stock is included ; as till now these advances have usually been restricted to bills of exchange alone ; and this extension of accom- snodation is by some considered as • proof that the Bank is beginning to feel the necessity of affording new facilities for business to meet the competition of the Metropolitan Banking Companies while by others it is regarded as an unwise departure from a safe commercial pi inciple. The various Foreign Stocks which are usually current have experienced a decline in price; in some inch as the Northern Continental Bonds, the depreb- lion has been trifling, while in others, via. the Brazilian, Portuguese, and Spanish ; it has, in some instances, been more than I per cent. Thesettlement of the Foreign Account took place to-day ; and the speculators had great difficulty in carrying over their accounts in the Non-Dividend Stocks. Spanish has been as low as 166; Portuguese Five per Cents. at 296; Three per Cents. at 196. Old Portuguese Five per Cents. (1823), which were yesterday at 731, have been at 716 ; this depression is however entirely attributable to the state of the market, which is overloaded with all descriptions of Foreign Stock. The Columbian Bonds have been fairly supported, net having given way above i to i per cent. The business in Shares generally, has been unimportant ; but the tendency of the market has been downwards. Most of the minor Railway Shares are about 1/. lower than last week ; but those which are working, viz. the Birmingham, Southampton, and Great Western, have been well supported.
Consols opened at 94 for Account, but a sale of 21,000 has flattened the market, and they are now 934 4 for Account, and 9314 for Money. The other English Funds have declined in the same proportion. Bank Stock is lower, having been at 2026. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are 64 prem. In the Foreign Market, all the current are heavy M yesterday's prices, with little doing. 3 per Cent. Cosmic 931 Z Brazilian 5 per Cost s 765 7
Dam fur Aeconnt 931 Z Danish l'it
3 per Cent. Redneed 92t 4 Marls 24. per Cents 534 4 New 3, per Cent. Ann 1011 4 Portuguese Regency 5,. CU. 34 mink Snuck 1024 3 Ditto 3 per Cent. 191 20
ItoliaStoek — II ussian (1822)5 per Cent... 1114 1 Ditto Bonds 64 pm. Spaoislt 1835)5 per Cent... 161 i
Exchequer Bills 64 pin. Deferred Stuck 7
t.elginu 5 per Cuts ...ex dis. 1014 7, Passive Ditto... 34 4