The Italian Army throughout the week has maintained a brilliant
and successful defence of its northern flank in the hills to the west and east of the Brenta, which form the last natural defences of the Venetian plain. The enemy has made no serious attempt to cross the Piave, but has concentrated his efforts against the Italian hill-positions, the loss of which would compel our Allies to retire in haste from the Piave and abandon Venice. Up to Wednesday the Italians had repulsed all the enemy assaults west of the Brenta, near Adage, and in the narrow neck of hilly country between the Brenta and the Piave they had clung desperately to the dominating heights of Monte Grappa and Monte Tombs and inflicted heavy loss on the enemy masses. The Italian troops are fighting with their old spirit, and the Allied armies now in Italy should soon be ready to assist in beating back the invader.