1 DECEMBER 1917, page 13

News Of The Week.

G ENERAL BYNG'S capture of the Hindenburg hoes near Cambrai on the 20th has been followed by a week of very 'Leavy fighting for the wooded Bourlon Ridge, four miles west of......

If The Figures Of Last Week Were Repeated Regularly, Or

even often, we should be in a very dangerous position. We have no fear, In spite of all, that we shall fail in the war through this cause if the Government will back up the......

The Number Of Large Merchant Vessels Sunk By Torpedoes Or

mines has again risen. The sinking& for the week ending last Saturday at midnight—in future the weekly record will end at this point instead of at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon......

Sir Douglas Haig Issued Last Sunday A Special Order Of

the Day eongratulsting the Third Army on the capture of the important Bourlon position, " which crowns a successful operation and opens the way to a further exploitation of the......

General Plumer, The Famous Commander Of The Second Army, Has

been appointed to command the British forces in Italy. No man has done finer work on the Western Front than General Plumer, whose victory at Messinea last June was a model of......

In Palestine General Allenby Has Continued Hie Advance In...

hill country towards Jerusalem. While his cavalry pushed up the valley of Ajalon towards the Nablus or Shoehorn road north of Jerusalem, the infantry further south stormed the......

The Italian Army Throughout The Week Has Maintained A...

and successful defence of its northern flank in the hills to the west and east of the Brenta, which form the last natural defences of the Venetian plain. The enemy has made no......

The French Have Made A Fresh Advance North Of Verdun,

on the right bank of the Meuse. They attacked last Sunday afternoon along a front of two miles from the river-bank at Samogneux to the south of the Carnes Wood, and captured the......

In East Africa On Tuesday One Of The Two German

forces left in the field surrendered unconditionally at Nevala, eighteen miles from the border of Portuguese Mozambique. This force, under Colonel Tafel, had moved southward......

The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The " -...

give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......

Botice.—wita Gliia Week's ".spectatos " Is Issued, Grads,...


The *plc Tator

102 THE No. 4 666] \ , • c ,. [P.M31921126 MI • PREEN MN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEKBER 1, 1917. . Atomism ET rom 540. 1806fArill Aswan......