The Anarchists in German pay still hold the reins of
power in Petrograd. Most of the Government official(); refusing to recognize Lenin, Trotsky, and their confederates, have gone on strike. The Commander-in-Chief, General Dukhonin, has declined to negotiate an armistice, as Lenin ordered, or to take notice of a " decree " replacing him by Lieutenant Krylenko. Some of the less irrational Anarchist " Ministers " have resigned. The leaders of the other parties, including If Chemoff, the advanced Socialist, sad M. Miliukoff, have assembled at General Dukhonin's headquarters in the hope of forming a Coalition Government. The Northern Armies are starving, owing to the complete disorganisation of transport. The Southern Armies aro, however, said to be well supplied with food and munitions. General Kaledin is concen- trating his Coasask fortes in the Don Valley. Anarchy prevails throughout the rural districts, as well as in Petrograd and Moscow. Lenin's " decrees " confiscating all private property are being only too faithfully obeyed in the name of Socialism. Meanwhile the elections for the Constituent Assembly have begun.