Mr. Boner Law announced on Monday that the pay of
the sailors and soldiers has been increased from October let and September 29eh respectively. The A.B.'s pay has been raised by twopence a day. The private soldier is receiving as a minimum the King's eighteen- pence instead of the King's shilling, with an extra penny a day for each 'complete yeer's service during the war. Mr. Bonar Law 'stated that the estimated cost of these increases has risen from 18000,000 to f85,012,0,000 for the first year, as further concessions have been made since Mr. Lloyd George outlined the original pro- posals on October 1st. It is to be regretted that the Treasury is eta delaying an announcement as to the promised increase of the pay of the junior officers in both Services, which was far from adequate before the war, and, in view of the rise of prices, is now pitifully small. There never was a war in which the junior officer played such an important part as he does now, and he ought to be able to live on hie pay without running into debt.