1 DECEMBER 1917, Page 31

13.1CADABLE NOVELS. — Love and Hatred. By Mrs. Bello*-Lowndes. (Chapman and Hall.

13a.)—The story of a murder committed by a most unexpected person. It is written with all Mrs. Belloe- Lowntles'a usual mastery in the description of mysterious crimes in modern life.--Souts in the Making. By Evelyn Brsnecombe Fetter. (Same publishers and price.)—A modem story chiefly concerned with the development of character. —710 Kingdom of Waste Lands. By Sydney C. Crier. (W. Blackwood and Sone. fie.)--A very exciting novel of the East. The tieing of the Chinese is most vividly described. The heroine is not a very sympathetic figure.—Tommy and the Maid of Athens. By Joseph Hocking (Hodder and Stoughton. le. 3r1.)—The story of a Secret Service mission in Athens undertaken by an eflicer teem Salonika. It is fell of exciting adventures.

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