Disorder in Belgium
The Belgian Prime Minister, M. Pierlot, has had to go to the Chamber for special powers to deal with a situation which was becoming a threat to order and government. The difficulties he has had to face were not altogether. unforeseen. The sudden joy of liberation was followed by reaction when the people experienced the hardship arising from the breakdown of transport and the scarcity of food and all other supplies. The men of the Resistance Move- ments who had contributed to victory were unwilling to give up their arms or abandon their functions, and under the influence of agitators were a potential source of danger to orderly and lawful administration. There was impatience at / the slowness of procedure against col- laborators, who, M. Pierlot insisted, must be proceeded against by the processes of law and not by summary action of the executive ; and last Sunday the situation was aggravated when a disorderly crowd broke through a police cordon and was fired on by a detach- ment of gendarmerie. The agitations are directed against the Government and not against the Allies, though Major-General Erskine, Chief of the Shaef Military Mission, has had to take a firm line about the handing over of arms. The Communist Party, whose representatives in the Government have resigned, are taking the leading part both in the Press agitation and in the summons to workers to strike and organise demonstrations. There is some suspicion, which may or may not be justified, that Rexist elements infiltrating into the Resistance movements, are carrying on Fifth Column activities. The Allied authorities cannot stand entirely aloof, for obviously they cannot tolerate disorders in the immediate rear of military operations, but it is extremely desirable that the Belgian Government should itself cope with the situation ; and M. Pierlot sees the necessity of firmness. The situation is• improving, and it will improve more if, now that Antwerp is open, the Allies can send in more food-stuffs and lorries.