The Archbishop Of York Has Issued A Circular To Incumbent:
about forms for use at St. Andrewstide and - says they both centre round a certain theme. Otte of the incumbents wants the term " centre round " pilloried. I suppose it ought to......
My Enquiry About Why Anderton's Hotel In Fleet Street Was
(as Q said it used to be) particularly frequented by Cornish people brings this very interesting communication from Fleet Street: " Not long before Anderton's was demolished, I......
A Spectator's Notebook
O NE interesting point—for the meticulously minded—about the achievement of The Times in publishing its 5o,000th number last Saturday is the decision of the Prime Minister that......
In Speaking On Tuesday Of The Relations Between The B.b.c.
and the Press the Director-General of the B.B.C, was obviously choosing his words carefully, and they are words to which no exception can be taken. Mr. Haley, as he said, is an......
My Opinion Of Scotland And Scotsmen Was Always High, But
it is rising steadily. It is remarkable how many of the subscriptions I have received for the Malta Shrine of Remembrance Fund (and which I hereby gratefully acknowledge) have......
It Must Be A Nice Thing To Have Money To
burn—or to put on dogs and horses. Those of us who are struggling to buy ink and paper and things like that may be forgiven for being a little envious. The Churches' Committee......
Doubts And Discontents
A N article in the last issue of The Spectator from an officer serving somewhere in Western Europe purported to indicate what the average soldier, whether commissioned or......