" Railway Department, Board of Trade, Whitehall, 31st January.
"Notice is hereby given, that the Board constituted by the minute of the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, of the 24th August 1844, for the transaction of Railway-business, having had under consideration the following schemes for-extending railway communication in the South and South- west of Ireland, have determined on reporting to Parliament in favour of the Cork and Bandon, Great Southern and IN estem (Cork Extension only), Water- ford and Limerick, subject, as regards the portion of the line between Limerick and the junction with the Great Southern and Western Extension line, to equit- able arrangements for securing to the Great Southern and Western Company full accommodation for the purposes of the Limerick traffic going in the direction of Dublin and Cork; against the Great South-west (Ireland) Direct; and recom- mending the postponement until a future period of the Dublin, Carlow, and Wex- ford, Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, and Carlow, Dublin and Wicklow, Kilkenny ,'unction.
"And the Board having further had under consideration the following schemes for extending railway communication in the Manchester and Leeds district, have determined on reporting to Parliament in favour of the Barnsley Junction, Leeds and Bradford Extension to Skipton and Colne, Leeds and West Riding Junction, Manchester and Leeds (Heywood and Olitham Extensions), Manchester and Leeds (Burnley Branch); and against the Leeds, Dewsbury, and Manchester, Manchester, Bury, and Rossendale (Heywood Branch), West Yorkshire. "And the Board having further had under consideration the Churnet Valley Railway scheme, (from 5Iacclestield to Tamworth and Derby, with a branch to the Potteries,) have determined on reporting to Parliament in favour of the said
scheme. DALHOCSIE, C. W. PARLEY, G. R. PORTER, D. O'Biumq, S. LAING."
By a Treasury warrant, the Customs-Agents Licence System is extended to Dover, Folkestone, Shoreham, and Southampton.
"The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, appointing the Right Honourable Henry Thomas Lowry Corry, Jo- seph Hume, Aaron Chapman, Edward Royd Rice, and Thomas Baring, Esquires, Francis Beaufort, Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy, or the Hydrographer of the Admiralty for the time being, George Biddel Airy, Esq., or the Astronomer Royal for the time being, John Washington, Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy; and Henry John Shepherd, Esq., or the Counsel for the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy for the time being, her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the state of the Harbours, Shores, and Rivers of the United Kingdom."
The usual notice is given by the Lord Great Chamberlain, on the opening of Parliament next Tuesday, that all Peeresses may have seats reserved for them, if application be made at Ids office before five o'clock on Monday ; and that no ladies will be admitted except in full dress.