1 FEBRUARY 1845, page 9


It is now quite certain that the Queen intends to open the ensuing ses- sion of Parliament on Tuesday next in person. The necessary orders have been issued from the Lord......

To A Memorial From A Meeting Of General Practitioners In

the Metropolis, dated on the 14th January, requesting a charter of incorporation for their branch of the profession, Sir James Graham has replied, in a letter dated on the 27th;......

The Hull Advertiser Reports An Extraordinary High Tide...

of the Humber, on Sunday evening. The water ran through many of the streets knee-deep: in New George Street it poured along like a river, eighteen inches in depth. Many......

"the Journal Des Ihrbals Of Thursday Comes Out With The

second part of its appeal to the Conservatives—the "allegro con ispirito," after the mourn- ful "adagio." Having, when all but safe, talked for effect of Ministers re- signing,......

The Dublin Evening Post Announces The Death Of The Marquis

of Sligo, an account of which reached Dublin on Thursday afternoon. Lord Sligo was born in the year 1788; and married, in 1816, Lady Catherine de Burgh, eldest daughter of the......

The Correspondent Of The Times Mentions A Report Current In

Dublin on Thursday, "that the Right Reverend Bishop Denvir is about to proceed to Rome on the part of his brother Commissioners, (Doctors Crolly and Murray,) to lay before his......

" Railway Department, Board Of Trade, Whitehall, 31st...

"Notice is hereby given, that the Board constituted by the minute of the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, of the 24th August 1844, for the transaction of......

POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY NIGHT. The rumoured changes in the Ministry are still the subject of doubt, -.curiosity, and speculation. The Times begins to think that Mr. Gladstone must......

The Colonial Gazette Of This Morning Is Full Of Interesting

matter—intel- ligence and exposition—on the subject of New Zealand. We cannot make room for more than one little paragraph- " A private communication from Cook's Straits informs......

The Well-written And Temperate Letter On The Game-laws, By A

correspondent in the North of Scotland, will be inserted. All correspondents, however, should recollect, that, during the Parliamentary session, our columns cannot afford room......

Money Market. Stock Exchange, Friday Afternoon.

The critical position of the French Ministry, in conjunction with the pressure for money occasioned by the speculation in Railway Shares, has caused the market for Enghsh......