Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1871. Edited by
Spencer F. Baird. (New York : Harper. London : Sampson Low and Co.)— " The design of the present work," says the editor in his preface, "is to furnish a brief yet sufficiently full mention of the more important discoveries in the various departments of Science during the year 1871. selecting, however, only such as appear likely to excite a general interest, or to he of lasting importance." We can do nothing more than indicate by a list of subjects the range of the volume, It deals, then, with " Mathematics and Astronomy," Terrestrial Physics and Meteoro- .logy," "Electricity, Light, Heat, and Sound," "Chemistry and Metal- lurgy," "Mineralogy and Geology," "Geography." "General Natural History and Zoolcigy," "Botany and Horticulture," Agriculture and Rural Economy," "Mechanics and Engineering," "Technology," -1klattia Medico, Therapeutics, and Hygiene." Each of these is subdivided into branches, which it is impossible for us even to enumerate. Alto- gether, it forms an amazing picture of the intellectual activity of the age.