Annual Record Of Science And Industry For 1871. Edited By
Spencer F. Baird. (New York : Harper. London : Sampson Low and Co.)— " The design of the present work," says the editor in his preface, "is to furnish a brief yet sufficiently......
Military Men I Have Met. By E. Dyne Fenton. Illustrated
by E. Linley Sambourne. (Tinsley.)—Mr. Sambotume's pencil is at least more uniformly successful than his collaborateur's pen. The figures— horses excepted, for these are sadly......
More " Bab " Ballads. By W. S. Gilbert. (routledge.)—the
author describes his work as "much sound and little sense." The "much sound "is there, for Mr. Gilbert is curiously skilful in managing his verse, which flows on in the easiest......
A Woman At The Wheel. By A. M. Tobyn. (hurst
and Blackett.) —The title of this novel proclaims the author's platform, that of Woman's Rights. But readers who expect to gather from its pages material for the cheap and......