One of my old acquaintances, I can hardly go so
far as to call it friend, the Academie Internationale, has raised its half-forgotten head again, this time in a severely Anglo- Saxon guise as the International Academy, with, not surpris- ingly, Mr. Henry Chellew (I will consider calling him Dr. Chellew when I know more about the origin of his degree) among its sponsors. There are odd things about it. To begin with, it is said to have been linked with (among other bodies) the Society Academique. which suggests a rather unusual marriage between the French and English tongues. Also "It is legally empowered to grant Honorary Degrees and other academic honours, and functions under International Law "; I should like to know a little more about this too. Furthermore "Distinctions are conferred only upon Members who foster or subscribe to the work of the Academy." I have ventured on a little italicising here. You want to know more still ? Let me help you. The not very academic address of the London Office of this artless body is 60 Warwick Gardens, W.14. Quite possibly you aspire to wear an academic gown and hood (black, lined gold). They will fix you up, I feel certain, at 60 Warwick Gardens.