Shorter Notices
GEORG BI:JCHNER is in danger of joining the company of German writers who are known abroad only through the distorting medium ot music—in this instance through Alban Berg's......
Forty Years And An Epilogue : An Auto- Biography. By
Stephen Hobhouse. (James Clarke. 12s. 6d.) MANY who lived through the first World War will recall a considerable agitation over the prison treatment of conscientious objec-......
English Popular Art. By Margaret Lambert And Enid Marx....
16s.) A Boox on English popular art must be reading tinged with sadness today when almost every art described in its pages is irretrievably lost. Giants are no longer made for......
There Was A Regrettable Printer's Error In The Title Of
James Pope-Hennessy's book reviewed in last week's Spectator. The correct title is Monckton Milnes: Tle Flight of Youth, 1851-1885.......
There Is No Outstanding Poet Among The Eight Who Received
the Festival awards nor, considering that their average age is 43, can one say that they promise to add any future greatness to English poetry. Each in his way is accomplished,......