Lord St. Leonards publishes a letter in the Times stating
that • he and his family are the victims of constant annoyance from some person who sends orders in his name to different tradesmen. In -one instance, his name was forged by tracing to an order directing Mr. Emmanuel to make seven lockets ornamented with diamonds, which his Lordship wished to present to his seven daughters. The lockets were to cost /SO each, and to be sent to some place to be afterwards it is doubtful, however, if the forger intended theft,,fo order by telegraph directed a sculptor to re-marble n ng tomb, an order which could bring no advantage to hinzAonio uttered it. The probability seems to be that some educated person—he uses Athenaeum Club paper—is from vindic- tiveness carrying out a plan of annoying Lord St. Leopards. If such attempts were frequent we should have to modify our laws, for life might, with the complicated arrangements of our civiliza- tion, easily be made unbearable.