Dr. Trower Has Published A Letter Entirely Repudiating...
which first appeared in the Guardian, that he had, through his proctors, required Dr. Temple to prove that he was born in wedlock. He did nothing of the kind. Of course, that......
The Secretary Of The American Navy Curiously Confirms The...
which we recently put forward about the condition of our own. We said that despite all the talk in Parliament we had now no reason to fear America or any other maritime power,......
The Commissioner Of Agriculture In The United States...
the agriculture of the South is rapidly reviving. The cotton produced in 1868 reached 2,380,000 bales, and that of next year is expected to reach 2,700,000 bales, of which 40......
A Well-informed Writer, Who Describes The Gold Panic In New
York for Fraser's Magazine, adds a little to our knowledge of that transaction. It appears that the Ring made money after all, the writer alleging that they kept their good......
The Bishop Of Manchester (dr. Prince Lee) Is Dead, And
Mr. Gladstone has another vacancy to fill up. We suppose it is due by rights to the Evangelical party, if only they bad any eminent men at all. Apt whoever it is, we hope he......
Colonel Boxer, The- Superintendent Of The Royal...
; in consequence, it is said, of certain questions addressed to him by Mr. Cardwell. Colonel Boxer is an inventor a great skill and ingenuity, and has discovered modes of lubri-......
We Have Received A Second Letter From Mr. G. C.
llentinck, and also one from Signor Paaini, in relation to the deciphering of the Venetian despatches (which we reviewed a fortnight ago) by the latter. We will publish these......
The Will Of The Late Marquis Of Westminster Has Been
pub- lished, and is a complete refutation of the stories which have for some time been going about. The new Marquis, of course, gets most of his father's estates—the London......
Lord St. Leonards Publishes A Letter In The Times Stating
that • he and his family are the victims of constant annoyance from some person who sends orders in his name to different tradesmen. In -one instance, his name was forged by......
As The Standard, While Politely Acquiescing In Our...
we were, to the best of our knowledge, the first journal to protest against the restoration of the names of Messrs. Schneider and Fenwick (the great bribing Liberals unseated at......
Tropmann, The Butcher Of The Muck Family, Has Been Tried
and found guilty, strange to say without extenuating circumstances, and condemned to death. When we express surprise that " ex- tenuating circumstances" were not found, we do......