Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. By Dr. Edward
Zeller. Translated by Sarah Frances Alleyne and Evelyn Abbott. (Longmans.)—Dr. Zeller gives in this volume a sketch intended for lees advanced students of the subject, dealt with more fully in his larger work on the philosophy of the Greeks. He divides it into three "periods," and prefixes an "Introduction" on the history of ancient philosophy, and of Greek philosophy in particular. The "Pre-Socratic Philosophy," "Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle," are the first and second divisions; the third, under the general description of "Pan-Aristotelian Philosophy," covers the history of speculation during eight centuries, reaching down as far as Proclus (410.485 A.D.) in the East, and Bcethitue (480.525) in the West. Dr. Zeller's name is a guarantee for the thoroughness and soundness of this manual. We would not forget to draw attention to the graceful recognition which Mr. Abbott makes of the labour of his deceased colleague.