Sir M. Hicks-beach Made A Rather Important Speech On...
to a deputation from Ulster Unionists. They were in favour of an extension of the purchase system, and of State control and purchase of railways, and their general object was to......
The Bulgarian Deputation Were Only Received By Lord...
unofficially, and he made practically no reply to them whatever. They were, however, invited to his country house, and in society every possible sympathy is shown them. Their......
We Do Not Quite Like The Telegrams About The Expedition
to the Raby Mines in Bnrmah. The " mines " exist in a desolate enclosed valley some 6,200 ft. above the sea, and a small column of English and Ghoorka soldiers was, by the last......
A. Well-informed Correspondent Of The Times Complains...
Mission to Thibet has been abandoned. He maintains that the Chinese were sincere in permitting it, that the Dalai Lama and the older priests were in favour of it, and that......
The Election For The Brentford Division Of Middlesex...
was pretty certain, in the defeat of Mr. Haysman, the Home- rule candidate, by a large majority. But the majority, instead of having increased, as we anticipated, since the last......
Mr. Forwood, Financial Secretary To The Admiralty, In An...
and interesting speech at Liverpool on Thursday, declared that the Naval Estimates for next year, so far from being exces- sive, would show a positive reduction upon the figures......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 1001 to 1004xd.......
Mr. Gibson, Solicitor-general For Ireland, Was Not So In-...
as his colleague ; but he pressed in the strongest way the argument that any rupture among Unionists, or any falter- ing in their support of the Government, meant the return of......
The Distress Of The Operatives In New South Wales Appears
to be even greater than the distress at home. Mr. John Norton, New South Wales Labour Delegate, writes to the Times of last Saturday (Christmas Day) a most striking account of......