The Sinn Feiners continued their outrages during the Christ- mas
holidays. On Christmas Eve a gang wrecked the Cork Examiner office, because the paper had supported the Roman Catholic Bishop's plea for a cessation of the murder-campaign. On Sunday four men attacked a policeman in Limerick ; young girl who threw herself between the assassins and their victim was shot dead. On Monday a large party of armed Sinn Feiners who pretended to be holding a dance at Bruit County Limerick, were surprised by troops and police. The Sinn Feiners opened fire and killed a policeman, but were over- powered and captured. This week the Southern Irish railway- men, who refused to work on trains carrying troops and police, or to handle Army stores and who had been dismissed, offered themselves for employment on the old terms and were taken back. Their recourse to " direct action " has deprived them of their wages for months and has inflicted great loss on Southern Irish traders, but it has not impeded the troops or the police. We are glad that these railwaymen have at last seen the folly of their ways.