Some Books Of The Week.
INotlee in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] THE JANUARY MAGAZINES.—Colonel Ward, trade unionist and Home Ruler, opens the Nineteenth Century with an......
Aftermath A Geographical Study Of The Peace Terms. By Marion
I. Newbigin. (W. and A. K. Johnston and Macmillan. 3s. 6d. net.)—This little book by Dr. Newbigin, one of the ablest of British geographers, is well worth reading. Within its......
So Many Persons To-day Take A Lively Interest In Naval
and military medals and decorations that there should be a large public for Dr. Stanley C. Johnson's timely handbook The Medal Collector (Jenkins, 7s. 6d. net). This volume "......
In Deeds Of A Creat Railway (murray, 15s. Net) Mr.
G. R. S. Darroch records " the enterprise and achievements of the London and North-Western Railway Company during the Great War "—or, as Mr. L. J. Maxse more briefly puts it in......
Cartagena And The Banks Of The Sinu. By R. B.
Cunninghame Graham. (Heinemann. 15s. net.)—During the war, the author was sent to report on the cattle industry of Colombia. The mission gave him the opportunity of writing a......
The December Number Of Representation Gives Some...
the working of Proportional Bepresentation at the recent New South Wales elections, and at Winnipeg and in Denmark. The difficult problem of filling casual vacancies is......