The Indian National Congress, which is now attended only by
the wilder native politioians, was opened on Sunday with a characteristic address by a Madras Nationalist, Mr. Achariar. He denounced Mr. Gandhi's " non co-operation " scheme, which has, of course, proved a ridiculous failure. But his own panacea was not less absurd. " We can starve English planters, merchants, traders, and manufacturers with an increas- ing scarcity of labour into gradual exhaustion and a satisfactory mentality towards us." Mr. Achariar would boycott foreign illports and stop the export of raw produce, and would thus deprive millions of their livelihood. Mr. Montagu, who lamented the placid contentment of the Indian peoples, should be pleased with such speeches. No one, in reading them, would suppose that Great Britain had just instituted far-reaching reforms in. India, under which the natives will take a large share in the administration.