1 JULY 1843, Page 21



93/ 931

941 941 101/ [010

125 181 48 BULs1ON. METALS.

Gold. Foreign la liars per oz. 31. 17s. 01, Copper, British Cakes.per ton 521.104 &Ito 0 0 0

Old Spanish, or Pill. Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, BilkS Bars 4 15 0 - 0 05

Mexican Dollars 0 4 94. Lest, British rig 16 0 0 -16 to 0

Silver in Ears. Standard 0 It Steel, English 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 30.

Rye 50 to 34 Maple 34 lo 33 Oats, Feed .. . pito,* Barley 27 .. 20 White at . so Fine .. . 00 -It Malting 30 .. 32 Boilers at 35 Poland . ... 05. 24 Ma lt, Or.linary. 5...5 t Beans, Ticks 27 . 501 Fine 51..15

Vise 54 .. 5d Old ' 9 .. al rondo 23 .44

Peas, Hog .... at .. at Harrow. • ....al .. 33 Vise.... 24 ..510 Wheat, RedNet.46 to 45 Fine 4 t -he Old 36 .. 33 White SO .. 46 Fine 45 . 30 Superfine New 54 ..M AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. 1 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. 1 For the present Week. Wheat ....... 48s. ed 1 R. .. ..... . 30s. gel 1 Wheat 20s. od 1 Rye 1 I a. lid Barley... .... 57 3 Beans ... . .. 27 II B .rley ........ 9 0 Hean• .. II 6 Oats ......... 13 5 Pe. SNI 5 Oats V 0 Peas It 41


gem Pockets..... ...... .. ....... .. fals to In5s. York Reds per t•a el... 101s. Choice Ditto 112 - 130 .colch Hods 4' . -- 70

Su.es Poster s ID - 100 Devon.. 25 70 Superfine Ditto 103 - 103 Kent and Eases Mut. 55 .... 30

[until ERS' MEAT.

NEWOATE AND LRADENIIALL.• SMITHFIELD.° Beef as. 8d to as. 0.I. to Ils. 65. 5s, 5.1, 5. 3• II to 4s.Td.

Aluiton 5 5 . 3 0 .. 3 6 3 0 .. 3 4 .. 4 4

Veal 8 0 3 3 ,. 4 4 3 0 .. Si a ,,4 6 Pork 2 4 .. 3 4 . 4 4 3 4 . 3 II .. 4 4

Lamb 4 5 .. 4 LO .. 3 6

• To sink lb...fel-per Alb, HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITH FIF.LD.

Re... Sheen. Calves. Pm., Friday 531 ...... 1.03, MO 33 , 1

5.3,5 30 730 163 3 857

HAY A ND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Tresses.) CUMBEBLAND. smi niFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECH ANIL- Hay, Good ties . 1..5, 00..., 10t,s..... Os.., Os nuts,, M.

Inferior 80 •• 83 u • • 0 o • •

New 50 .. 70 45 .. 70 Clover 94 .. 1 Id 73 . 115 .... 0 .. 0 .. .. GO .. 110 Straw, Wheal 65 .. 56 50 .. Ii 0 .. o Se .. 54

French Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Massachussetts(Sterliug)5 - REIGN FUNDS.

during II e Week eliding Friday - Mexican - Ditto (Deferred) Michigan 103 Mississippi (Sterling)

71 Neapolitan

25 New York (1855) Ohio 94 Peunsylvania 22/ Peruvian Portuguese 541 Ditto Iffile Ditto (New) - Russian 1.21f 75e. Spanish - Ditto (Passive) 29 Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina - Tea uessee United States Bank - Virginia. Evening.) 5 p. Ct.

5 - 6 - ...6 5 - 5 - 6 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 5 - 5 - s

s -

6 - p. Ct.

5 - FO (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) it'- Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Aestrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chiliau 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Delilah 3 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 3 - S H A (Last Official Quotation during th


Bulanos Brazilian Imperial.. .

Ditto (St. Joint del Rey) British Iron Cate Branca Candonea Cobra Copper


Chelteulaam and Great Western

Easton], Counties

Grand Jiluction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwa,ll .....

Landoll sad Greet, a lett Louden and Birmingham Loudon and Cr..) don Manche-ter aud Leeds Midlauti Counties North Midland South-eastern aud Dover South-western It ES.

e Week ending Friday Evening.)


A ustralasinn British North American Coluuial London and Westminster Loudon Joint Stock National of II eland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


East and West lotus Loudon Sl. Katherine


A manilla') Agricultural British American Laud Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Austral iau Van Diemen's Land

7 7

9 91e 33}


219 10f St 70 241 641 FLOUR.

Tows-rends per sack 40s. to 45, Seconds 35 - 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 30 - 35 Not folk and Stockton...-. 50 -- BRAN per quarter 0.10 Os. POLLARD, One Os. roe..

BREAD, es. to aed. the alb. Loaf.


BUTTER-Rest Fresh. Its. ad per do, Carlow, 8I. ta.. so 41 Os. per cat.

BACON, Small Old. per cwt.... Os. In Os. CHEESE. Ch.hire 40s . to 60s. Derby Plain Inn to 60s.

HAMS, York . Mc.* 74,,, EGGS, Preach... per ISO 4s 3.1, lo .5s. ftd.

3 per Cent. Consols shut

Ditto for Account.. 941 cad.

3 per Cents. Redtamd 95 31. per Cents Reduced 1011 New 31 per Ceuts shut Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 101 abet Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem 48 pm. ladle Bonds. 31 per cent 61 pm. BRITISH FUNDS. Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes.

94k 95 101e 43 941


1011 121 180 48 65 941 95 1011 5) 63



179i hill 63

281 8e 84 ex d. 74 exd.

42 114e 1st 5 lot


531 40e

23 121 15k 43


1251 931 ex d 107e



Rape Oil ......... .....per owl II. 13s. Od Helloed 0 0 0 Linseed Oil I It 0 Lin.ed Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per doren, 0,05. to Os Oil. Illoulds pertios.discount) Os. Od. COALS, Helton 000.04.

tits. 0.I.


TEA, Boh., fine, Os. 01.-I 0.

Congou, fine .........I 5 -1 IL Souchong, floe . I to - 10 • In Bond-Daly 0.. ld.per lb. COFFEE, tine (In bd) per cat. 114s. to133s Good Ordinary as. in VD. SUti All Mu•envado . per eat.... 54,1. West India 01013.411. 23s.t0 Sty