1 JULY 1843, page 2

Banta Anti Vroatbings In Varlfament.

POST-OFFICE REFORM. In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, Sir TnomAs WILDE moved for inquiry into the progress made for giving effect to Mr. Rowland Hill's plan of Post-office......

News Of The Week.

THE state of the Post-office has at length been brought before the House of Commons, by Sir THOMAS Wusos, and has been enter- tained in a manner that promises some useful......

The Foreign News Is Of An Indecisive Kind, Though Not

unin- teresting. In Spain, the insurrection seems to make way, yet the tales of its prospering are doubtful. &ream° is on the march against Valencia, and has not yet struck his......

The Publication Of The Official Correspondence Relative...

possession of the Hawaii Islands throws-a totally new light upon the case : the islands have not really been ceded to Great Britain, but only given up to the possession of a......

The Welsh Toll-riots Have Comparatively Subsided ; It...

the military will not be resisted ; and positive insurrection is quelled. It is unfortunate that positive insurrection seems to have been the only thing to draw attention to the......