The Liberals of South Lancashire are disgusted with their present
position in that constituency, of which all the members are Tories. They have made up their minds to put forth all thetit strengt4 fa4.a. go el■ :fights and tr..-e bringink fpryartl tit Clijah-f: cellor ofv1hi acelielitter; `M,- waxi Heyretcsoll,:l'Orin-413- 111;14er or North Bailcallare, and Mr. Henry Yates Thompson, son of d1Ir. S. H. Thompson, the ,L.i.,Trpoor ba.f!Hr. The last-named Icandidate is a young man Ot'' voti irseasiaitable ab;lity, a scholar of :Trinity College, Cambridge, and Arst-class in the classical Tripos, rwho will add another to the considerable group of young men willing to train for statesmen, of whomwe were told, only a year or two ago, ?we should have no more under a reformed Parliament. We trust 1Mr. Thompson may be returned. His success as a public man is dill necessarily rather a faith than anything else amongst those
ho know him, but it is strongest amongst those who know him t. Though we sincerely hope to see Mr. Gladstone re-elected for the University of Oxford, we are inclined to think he might be 1/4if even greater service to the public as Liberal member for South Lancashire.