The Austrian Ministry Has Fallen, Why Is Not Yet Clear.
It appears that the Reichsrath demanded a reduction of 2,600,000/. on the estimates, chiefly in the War Department, that Herr von Plener opposed it, and that the Emperor after......
Lord Derby Made A Great Speech On Monday Night, In
favour of " muzzling " the Catholics of Ireland on all subjects con- nected with the Protestant Church. As he carried the material for the muzzle in his own pocket,—in the shape......
Both Houses Of Convocation Voted On Wednesday An Address Of
sympathy and admiration to the Bishop of Capetown, for his recent conduct in the affairs connected with the Bishop of Natal. In the Upper House the address passed, we regret to......
Sir Charles Wood Produced His Indian Budget On Thursday...
in a House which at one time contained only seven members, and at no time a quorum. In a speech, for him very clear, he showed that the estimated surplus for the year ending......
News Of The Week..
sensation of the week has been the publication of the report and the evidence of the Leeds Bankruptcy Committee. The evidence is as dramatic as if it were fictitious, which a......
Mr. Longfield, Member For Mallow, On Tuesday Brought Up The
question of the Lord Chancellor's conduct, in a speech so violent as materially to damage his case, which, moreover, was imperfect, being based on the report, and not on the......