21/bunt Geographique. Par Marcel Dubois et Camille Guy. Tome Troisieme.
(Colin et Cie., Paris. 15 francs.)—This third volume contains an account of the temperate regions of the world in con- tinuation of previous issues, which give—(1) a general view of the world, (2) tropical regions. The fourth and fifth are to deal with the French colonies and France itself. Great Britain and Ireland are disposed of in sixteen pages, and North America in as much. Thirty-two pages for so important a portion of the world, while two hundred and forty are to be given to the French colonies, is scarcely a just proportion ; but the work is, of course, intended for the French public. Anyhow, it is a pity that the names are not more correctly given. Lake Coruisk in Skye becomes Gornisk ; Ben Lui, Be Lui ; Sheerness, Sherness. We read that " les etablissements de Cambridge, d'Oxford, et d'Eton recoivent les enfants de la noblesse et des grands industriels," as if there were three Universities, and that "Cambridge compte environ 2,700 eleves ou professeurs." There are many photo- graphic illustrations, but hardly of the first quality.