There Was A Second Scene On Tuesday, Raised By M.
Deroulede, who proposed a revision of the Constitution and the election of the President by a direct mass vote. It was, however, of little importance, and public attention is......
The French Chamber Has Accepted The New Ministry, Though By
a majority of only twenty-six. On Monday M. Waldeck-Rousseau read a short programme declaring that the object of the combination was to " defend Republican institutions with......
Belgium Seems To Englishmen A Quiet Place, But There Is
probably no country in Europe in which the cleavage between political parties is so deep and wide, or in which there is more possibility of a social upheaval. As regards......
The Peace Congress At The Hague Enjoyed A Sensation On
Monday. The Russian proposal that armaments must be reduced was under discussion when Colonel von Gross von Schwartzholl, the German military delegate, assailed it on the ground......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is no fresh news from the Transvaal which can be described as both authentic and important, though there are rumours that Mr. Fischer, the representative of the......