A Greek Anthology. By E. C. Merchant. (Methuen and Co.)
—We have very little to criticise in Mr. Marchant's choice of his garland. Possibly the iambic extracts might have been omitted, not because they are inferior, but because the dramatic pieces, if one once begins to include them, want too much space. We obelise, too, the first of the Anacreon lyrics, and all the space given to the " Anacreontica" might have been better employed. Mr. Marcbant gives the dates of the poems approximately, and adds a few notes. Why in the "Lament for Adonis" is the familiar alcfCto TIP "Aboozr changed into caac & vI "MOM,/? Would this imperative be naturally followed by the indicative of ?ratciCouoty 'Eporrts?