1 JULY 1899, Page 35

Ithscamamtous.—Fur and Feather Tales. By Hamblin Sears. (Harper and Brothers.

7s. GcL)—Mr. Sears takes us to New England, to a French forest, and to Norway. His tales are evidently the outcome of experience, for they have the touch of reality about them. Perhaps "William's Moose" is the best, for the moose is not a find of every day. There are some good illustrations by Frost, Tavernier, and Jamul— In "Black's Guide-Books" (A. and C. Black) we have Guide to Somerset, edited by A. H. Hope-Moncrieff (2s. 6d.)—The Road Coach-Guide (Road Offices), gives an account of various coaches starting from London, of which sixteen are enumerated, with routes, fares, &e., and of as many more other than London.— Of school-books we have Mr. Todhunter's Elements of Euclid, a new edition revised and enlarged by S. L. Loney, M.A. (Macmillan and Co., 4s. 6d.); Practical French Primer for Schools and Colleges, by Victor Spiers, B.-es-L. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 2s.)