1 JULY 1911, Page 26


[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Having just seen the notice of above book in last week's Spectator, may I ask you, as an act of simple justice to myself, to allow me space in your valuable journal to refute a sweeping state- ment made by your reviewer ? He states that " no information is given about the subsequent career, or even the names, of the twenty-one regiments raised in 1715." It so happens that eighteen of the regiments in question (twelve of dragoons and six of infantry) appear in the "British Establishment table, 1715," referred to by your reviewer. Twelve of these regiments are noted, in italics, as having been disbanded in 1718 ; the remaining six are respectively styled, at the head of each corps, not only by their Colonel's name, but by their present designation in the Army. The names of the three remaining regiments are given on page xxi of my prefatory chapter, where I have stated that the three regi- ments of marines (broken by Queen Anne's Government) became respectively the 30th, 31st, and 32nd Regiments of Foot, lists of which appear under the Irish Establishment on pages 357, 358, and 380. Having given the old numbers as well as the present- day designation of the regiments, which date from 1715 and are still existent, I do not merit blame for omitting to go into further details. Your reviewer does not say what the " discrepancies " are which he hints at having found in my lists. It is only fair, however, to say that I have discovered an error. On page xlvi I have only given the names of five dragoon regiments that were disbanded in 1718. I omitted Newton's corps, which is correctly noted on page 119 as being disbanded in October, 1718.—I am, Sir,