1 JULY 1911, page 33

The Secret Of The Dragon. By M. Ir. Pandered. (harpers.

6s.)— There is a great deal about the mysticism of alchemy in this novel, the main subject of which is a romantic old home in the country inhabited by the last male......

The American Year Book : A _record Of Events And

Progress in 1910. Edited by S. N. D. North. (Appleton and Co. 15s. net.)—This is the first issue of what is intended to be an annual volume. In form it resembles the Annual'......

Oxford And Poetry In 1911. By Herbert Warren, D.c.?, (the

Clarendon Press. la. net.)—Here we have Professor Warren's Inaugural Lecture. He brings under- review some of his prede- cessors in. the Chair of Poetry ; he discusses what we......

We Are Glad To Notice A New Edition Of Areopagitica

(A. and C. Black_ 103. net), published under the direction of Mr. Sydney Humphries. The fact that the whole profit derived from. its sale is to be devoted to the London Library......

Alfred Lord Tennyson : His Homes And Haunts. By B.

G. Ambler. (T. C. and E. C. Jack la. 611. net.)—This is a brief and somewhat sentimental account of Tennyson's life. It belongs to a series known as "The Pilgrim. Books," which,......

Readable Novere.—ttoin Sisters. By Richard Marsh....

Gs.)—A most melodramatic story founded on the likeness between twin sisters and the impersonation of one or both of them by an unscrupulous servant —The Love Story of a Mormon.......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Tinder this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for resists in other forms.] Through. South Westland. By A. Maud Moreland. (Witherby and Co. 'Dr.......

We Have Received Copies Of Three Dissertations Upon...

with English literature, written for the degree of doctor in the Swedish universities. The Language of Swinburne's Lyrics and Epics, by Gunnar Serner (W. Helfer and Sons, Cam-......

The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Adapted By - Il W. Fowler And

F. G. Fowler from The Oxford Dictionary. (Oxford University pees& se are net.)—The nature of this book is almost sufficiently explained by ita title. It possesses, however, some......

More Peers. Verses By H. Belloe. Pictures By B. T.

B. (Stephen Swift. 2s. ticf. net.)—Admirers of Mr. Belloc's lighter verse will be charmed by this new volume, which is scarcely less entertaining than the beat of its......