1 JULY 1922, Page 11

On Wednesday the Conference definitely declared its dis- approval. of

Communism. By a vote of 3,086,000 to 261,000 it supported the executive in their refusal to recognize the British Communist Party. Mr. Hodges, the miners' leader, said that the British Communists were slaves of Moscow and their theory must be fought. British people instinctively hated and despised dictatorship such as that of Lenin. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald declared that the Communist Party was created to oppose and smash the Labour Party and wanted to do the work from inside.. The Conference also adopted a strong protest against the mock trial of the Social Revolutionary leaders at Moscow. It is good to see the Labour Party dissociating itself from the Moscow despots and their few British allies. Yet the party will be exposed to a good deal of misunderstanding. while its official daily newspaper, supported by trade union levies, continues to express sympathy with Lenin and Trotsky and to act as the special organ of the Bolshevik Trade Delegation.