Music In Picture Galleries.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEL " SPECTATOR."' Sie,—Having read the article on " Music in Our Picture Galleries : Why Not?" of June 3rd I thought it would be of interest to you to know......
St. Cross Hospital, Wen/chester.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " Sercraroa."] Sra,—St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, is no doubt well known to many of your readers, but it may not be realized that it is a combination of......
[to The Editos Op The " Spectator."'
Sim,—The publication of the Children's Promise in the Spectator and our letter on rural amenities has brought us many inquiries as to the best way of dealing with the evils.......
Rural Amenities.
[TO THE EDITOR. OR THE " SPECTATOR."' SER,—It is welcome news that a campaign is about to be insti- tuted by the Underground Railway and 'bus and tramway companies against the......
Jean Marchand.
(To THE EDITOR Of THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — May I draw your attention to the exhibition of M. Marchand's work at the Independent Gallery, 7A Grafton Street, which I believe to......
The O.u.d.s.
[To THE ED/TOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sun—Your readers may care to hear of the Oxford University Dramatic Society's production of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme in a contemporary......