1 JULY 1922, Page 20


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—With regard to refugees from Belfast, it is interesting to relate that Mr. D. O'Brien, a Cork gentleman, wrote a few days ago to the Irish Independent complaining that, when a small batch arrived in their city, after going to a lot of trouble to have them housed, he called on Mr. De Valera, who happened to be in the vicinity, for further instruction and assistance, but instead of getting either, the latter coolly said he must wait till inquiry was made as he was not sure of their bona fides. Well might he not be, as a friend of mine lately saw among other " refugees " coming out of a house where they have been billeted upon a private family—Protestant, of course —a charwoman whom his wife had employed for the last six years in the city suburbs I—I am, Sir, &c.1 LOYALIST. Dublin, June 23rd.