1 JULY 1922, Page 20



SIR,—Mr. Devlin at Westminster and the Roman Catholic bishops at Maynooth have been raising an outcry at the atrocity perpetrated by Ulster special constabulary in holding up the motor of his Eminence Cardinal Logue while proceeding on a confirmation tour in his diocese of Armagh. Just a fort- night ago I was accompanying the Bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore (Anglican) on his way to a confirmation in his diocese when his motor was held up at the rifle point by a party of specials. Having satisfied them that we were peace- able citizens and were not carrying arms, the Bishop compli- mented them on their vigilance, and we went on our way thankful to know that the roads were being guarded by sturdy men who did their duty impartially and without fear or favour, whether the travellers be bishops, priests, or laymen. I was held up a few days later on another road when motoring on ecclesiastical business, and so can testify that there is no dis- crimination used by the " specials " between Anglican and Roman ecclesiastics, only we take it differently.—I am, Sir, &c.,

E. D. ATKINSON (Archdeacon of Dromore).