1 JULY 1922, Page 23


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] 451u,—S.P.G. missionaries often ask if the Spectator can be sent 4int to -them. If some of your readers would like to post their copy abroad each week I should be delighted to give them an

address. It would be most kind if you would put a notice is your paper stating this great need.—I am, Sir, &c.,

(Miss) MARGARET L. KIRKPATRICK (Newspaper Sec., K.W., S.P.G.). The S.P.C. in Foreign Parts,

15 Talton Street, Westminster, S.IT'. 1.

[Any persons willing to answer the appeal should write, not to us, but direct to Miss M. L. Kirkpatrick as above.—ED. Spectator.]