1 JULY 1922, Page 25


July 2nd.—ALBERT HALL. Band of the Garde Repub- licaine . . . . . . 3.0

[Glazounov, Saint-S18n3, Mozart. When will our military bands have such programmes July 2nd. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Service in Com- memoration of Dr. John Blow .. 8.0

[The British Symphony Orchestra with the Abbey Choir will perform some familiar and many unfam-iliar works by the illustrious seventeenth-century composer. Tickets may be obtained from the secretary, W.A.S.C., The Song School, Westminster Abbey. A stamped addressed envelope should be enclosed.]

July 3rd.—AEOLIAN HALL. Miss Frances Coopman. Pianoforte Recital .. .. 8.30 [Ravel and Brahma —clear water and milk.] July 5th.—AEOLIAN HALL. The Euterpe String Players 8.15

[Mr. Kennedy Seott's new orchestra will, we hope, become the instru- mental counterpart of the Orlana Madrigal Society.]

July 5th.—Wromorte HALL. Mr. Harold Samuel. Bach Recital .. 8.30 [It is doubtful whether Mr. Samuel would have left the Wigmore Hall alive last Saturday if he had not promised to play the Goldberg Variations again before he sails for S. Africa.]