HAYmARKze.—The Dover Road .. 8.30-2.30
[Mr. A. A. Milne's pleasant comedy played in the shadow of too vast a butler.]
PLAYHOUSE.—The Second Mrs. Tanqueray .. 8.15-2.30
[Miss Gladys Cooper in Sir Arthur Pinero's " strong " play of its epoch, but interesting.] PRINCES.—Sachs Guitry Season. From Monday
Le Grand Dec .. 8.30-2.30
[Reported to be the most amusing of this season's repertoire. Not to be missed by amateurs of acting.] 1Crso's THEATRE, HAMMERSMITH.—A Festival of • Song and Dance under the direction of Mr. Cecil Sharp. One week from Monday, July 3rd, at 8 o'clock ; mats. Thurs. and Sat., at 2.30.
[Folk songs and dances, and on Wed. and Sat. evenings anecdotes by Mr. Cecil Sharp. Seats of the King's Theatre box-oill.]