Yesterday the Lord Chancellor, after a rather prolonged consultation with
Sir James Graham, communicated to the Judges, who had assem- bled, we believe, to arrange the Circuits, that it would be necessary to postpone them ; as their Lordships' assistance would be required in the hearing of the writ of error in the case of the Queen against O'Con- nell and others. The argument will be heard with the least possible de- lay.—Morning Chronicle.
Dublin letters of Thursday night report the removal of Mr. O'Con- lien and the other traversers to the Richmond Bridewell in the South Circular Road. They were conveyed in three carriages, under a strong escort of Horse-Police. The crowd collected to witness their departure from the Courts seemed dejected, and many women were observed bitterly crying ; but there was no disposition to riot. At the prison Mr. O'Connell was received by a party of about forty gentlemen, his friends. The rooms allotted to him and his companions are spacious and airy : it is understood that he had engaged them of Mr. Purdon, the Governor of the gaol, before he was sentenced. It is also supposed that the party will have access to two large gardens in the prison, throughout each day.