1 JUNE 1844, page 19

Thalberg's Concert.

A NUMEROUS company were somewhat coldly entertained by pieces on the piano, violin, and horn, with songs of various kinds, at the Hanover Square Rooms on Tuesday morning; the......


FIFTH PHILHARMONIC CONCERT. MONDAY, MAY 27. PART I. Sinfouia in II flat, (No.4) Duet, " Stung by horror." Miss RAINFORTII and Herr STAUDIGI.. (PJSCal Brute) Concert..., Violin,......

Militilry Gazette.

WAR-orrice. May 31.-6th Drags.-Lieut. H. Slane, from 37th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Fleeming, who exchauges. 9th Li g ht Drags.-Cornet A. Hawtrey to be Lieut. by purchase, vice......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, May 28. PARTNEILialys DlasoLvED. Palk and Fitment. Newton Bushel, brewers-Kieruan and Yon, Southampton, mi4. liners-T. and R. Pinder, Cheltenham, woollen-drapers-1;01s......