1 JUNE 1844, Page 19


A NUMEROUS company were somewhat coldly entertained by pieces on the piano, violin, and horn, with songs of various kinds, at the Hanover Square Rooms on Tuesday morning; the occasion being M. THALBERG'S first appearance for the season. Since the debut of this artist, the im- mense competition that has prevailed in the practical department of the pianoforte has somewhat lowered his original claims to distinction : a touch as elastic and varied, octaves as distinct and rapid, combinations of all parts of the instrument as harmonious and powerful, have been heard ; and now there only remains for M. THALBERO to support his position by efforts of mind as distinguished as those of his hand formerly were. We grieve to say that these are sadly wanting in his new com- positions, and that a monotony reigns there both in the form and style, which will eventually wear out the patience of the best-disposed of his former admirers—too ready as they perhaps were, from certain indications of classical study in his early per- formances, to vow and protest in his name. But M. THALBena's compositions, interesting and surprising as they were at first, will never submit to a ten-years repetition ; still less can they form $ school. Potpourris of airs with the tune thrummed in the middle under an eternal cascade of arpeggios, and harmonized with the most im- posing effects of the pedal, can never become classical models. The best piece of that kind, his fantasia on subjects from Les Huguenots, exhausts all that such a plan can effect. And so the " grande fautaisieP on airs from Sentiramide, &c. falls very flat upon the ear, and is much like a twice-told tale. This is a kind of music which M. Taste. BERG must perforce abolish : other players can accomplish it nearly, as well as he ; but few condescend to a style which has declined in opinion since the gloss of novelty has worn off. It is remark- able that the piece in which M. THALBEBO created the most effect was one in which he most assimilated to the composers of the day--e study in A minor. This, which might have been one of the happiest effusions of Heim, was highly relished, and encored. The beauty, variety, and crispness of the performer's touch, were admirably dis- played in it : and these qualities will still tell with the greatest effect when displayed in good composition. A Monsieur I/1mm% advertised to perform in four parts on the horn, made a most unfortunate appearance. The pianoforte being too sharp to admit of his being accompanied, he proceeded to his new effects sets& He commenced by blowing a single note, but not of a good quality ; we then heard the octave, and then two more notes; making a chord in the lower part of the horn, and a very ugly noise to boot. The musi- cians first stared and then laughed—feeling that surprise was the begin- ning and end of this exhibition. We thought of Sidrophel : " Nor was the dog a Caeothemon, But a true dog, that would show tricks

For th' Emperor, and leap o'er sticks."