Tuesday, May 28.
PARTNEILialys DlasoLvED.
Palk and Fitment. Newton Bushel, brewers-Kieruan and Yon, Southampton, mi4. liners-T. and R. Pinder, Cheltenham, woollen-drapers-1;01s and Hughes. Alders- gate Street, merchants ; as far as regards W. Bell-Frost and Clarke Bury St. Ed- mund's. cuach-builders -.1. and T. Tonks, Birmingham, printers--Earlidge and Heath, St. Johu'e Square, dealers in sago-Gardner aud Jenkins. Bath, pawnt lire-wood makers - Horse Geld aud Fothergill. M au chester, eugravers to calico priuters-M. sod F. Perkins, Willesborough, Kent. millers-Gilbert, Brothers,Shellield, razor-mauufac. turers-Read and Page, Ipswich, ship builders-Morris and Suns, St. Mary -at Hill, wine merchants; as far as regards V. Morris junior-Williams and Co. James 'Street, New Cut, carvers-F. and F. E. Bowman, Woddou, Surrey. millers-French anti Bad- gers, Bolton, drapers-Norbury and Nockells, Whitechapel Road, copper:auntie-De- visee and Combs, Bread Street. attoruies -Keymer and Co. Merton. silk priuters ; as far as regards J. Keymer-Medland and Madge, Torquay, Devonshire, common-carriers- Sperling and Probert, 11:dated-Lambert and Alleruft. Quadrant, Regent Street, fancy stationers - Baker aud Co. Kingswinford, Staffordshire, coal-masters-Buwker aud Co. Stamford. curriera-Burton and Durkin, Leicester, ciewspaper-proiniaOrs -Cruxou and Co. Oswestry, bankers; as far as regards J. Gibbons, DECLARATIONS OF INsoLyYNCY UNDER THE NSW ACT. White, Camden Town, warehouseman's assistant-Danels, Turuhem Green, teacher -Perkin, Bulliegtou, Cheshire, victualler-Adams, St. Maryleboue Workhouse, school- master-Parker, Norwich. cattle-jobber -Phillipps, Albany Street, out of business- Jones, Litchborough, Northamptonshire, saddler-Archer, Jolla Street, Adelphi, attorney-Reed, Cheam, bout-maker-W. and R. Newton, Moulton, Liocuttuthire. farmer-Greeu, Walley. Lancashire, out of business-Roberts, Manchester. out of business-Singleton, Shellield,eruggiat-Hailsey, Derby Street. Mayfair, tutu' business -Lougbattoro, Worley, Yorkshire. wool-comber-Maitland, Liverpool, lately a pub• lican's assistant-Johnsou, Huddersfield, bricklayer-Mathews, Hammersmith. tallow. chandler-Seeger, Wood Street, Lambeth Walk, undertaker - Beer, Ply mouth, tobacco*. uist-Silley, Shaftesbury Street, New North Road, out of business-Wharton. other- wise Edmonds, Mount Terrace, Whttechapel Road. comedian-Murton, Hill &Net, Brocuptou, Lieuteuaut-Colouel in the Royal Marines-Robinson, Charlotte Street*, Portland Place, bootmaker-Morgan, Brampton, Kent, grocer's assistabt-Jecosings, Princes Road, Lambeth, out of businesa.
BARNARD, JACOB, Cheltenham, clothes-dealer, to surrender June 13. July 9: soli- citors, Witsterbotham. Cheltenham ; Dix. Bristol ; official assignee. Miller. Bristol. Rzawicx Joust, Calverley, Yorkshire. worsted-stuff-manufacturer. Juue 11. July 2 : solicitors, Messes. Few and Co. Henrietta Street; Messrs. Weatherheed and Burr, Bingley ; Mr. Naylor. Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Hope, Leeds. Beaten, Townes. Stamford Street, livery stable-keeper. June 11. July 9: solicitor. Mr. Hannan, Earl Street, Blackfriars; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jearv.
FLIGHT. EDWARD Gm., Adam Street, Adelphi. publisher, June 4, July S soticitors, Turner and Hensman, Basing Lane; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Brrehiu Lime. KRAIISLEY. THOMAS, and WATT. Thomas. Runcorn, Cheshire, bone merchant*. June 8. July 1; solicitors. Mr. Smith. Bedford Row; Mr. Harrison. Birmingham : official as- signee. Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
Lours. Enwaida Gerrard Street. perfumer, June 6, July II: solicitors, Messrs. Crosby and Crompton. Church Court ; official assignee. Mr. Graham. Coleman Street.
MONK. WILLIAlLjt1Diur. Nottingham, currier. Jerre 12, July 4 solicitors. Mr. Par. sons. Nottingham ; Messrs. Spurner and Chaplin, Birmiugliam; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham. OXLEY. EDWARD. junior, King's Lynn. batter, June 8. July 9: solicitors. Mr. Dixon, New Boswell Court ; Ransom, Sudbury; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abeherch Lane. &SON. JOHN. Brighton. toy-dealer. June 11, July 10: solicitors. Messrs. Rickards and Walker, Lincule's Jun Fields; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street.
June 18. Evershed, Pulborough, timber merchant -June 28. Alderson, Great Marl- borough Street, pewterer-bine IS, Pigg,utt, Goldsmith Street. Wood Street, carpet- Warehouseman-June 18, Bennett, Reading, railroad contractor-June 18. Baker, Lower Grote enor Street. surgeon-June 18. Cornish, Great Marlborough Street. wine- merchant-June 19, Scott. Regent Street. wine-merchaut-June 20, M Comet'. Liver• pool. tea dealer--Juue 20, Fairclough, Liverpool. money scrivener -June 20, Morrell and Borland. Liverpool, merchants-June 20. White. Liverpool, merchaut-June 20, Howie. Manchester, merchant-June 19. Alsop. Manchester, grocer-June 19, Cue en, Fenn& Cum Berland, liueudraper-Juue 21. Gardner, Leigh. Worcestershire. fanner- June 21. Parr. Nerloe-iu the Moors, Staffordshire, shopkeeper-Jerre 19, Parker, Edgbaston, Warwickshbe, coal-merchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. June lb, Todd, Hartheld, Sussex, dealer-Jute 20, Wilkinson, King Street, Holborn. bootnraker-Juue 18, Milner, Brook Street, New Road, engine manufacturer -June 20. Watson. Camomile Street, victualler--June. 20. W. Copper. otherwise %V. Simpson, otherwise J. Themes, Reading, grocer-June I9. Parkes and Henderson. Duke Street. Lincoln's Inn Fields. carpenters-June 18, Williams, Sunderland. currier-Jerre 27, Shinji° Leeds. chemist-June 25, Smith, Worcester, attorney-June 24, Atkius, Aston, Warwickshire, beer housekeeper.
Te be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beAre June 18. Smith, Darnel". Keut. carpenter-Jackson, Liverpool, baker-Smith junior. Lime Street. ship owner-Bradley. Sheffield. horn-merchant-Wade, Bine:ugh rm. paver- maker-Finney, Woore. Shropshire, builder - Hillam. Cambridge Ten roe, Edgeware Boa& ale-merchata-E. and A. S. Levy. Oxford Street, fruitmerchants-Beacher, Great Marlborough Street, commission-agent -M uuton junior, Greatford, Lincolushire. realer-Sewell, Chattetis, Cambridgeshire, money-scriveuer.
Ingham ; die. of Is. June 3, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner. Liverpoul- Robins a. Liverpool. dealer; second div. or 5d. May 30. or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove. Liverpool-T. and A. Templetou, Coughttou. silk-maoel'deturere; div. of Is. 3/d. June 1, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Post. Manchester-T. aud T. Wooster, Coal Exchange, coal-factors; third div. of 11d. May 29, ur any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Whitehead. Fleet Street, printer ; first dry. of ls. 6d. May 29, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Edwards Old Jewry-Buldul ph and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; first, secoud. rind third dit s. of 7s. (or, new proofs) May 29. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry-Ruberts. Broad Street Buildings, merchant; third div. of led. May 29, or any subsequent V■ ed- meads), ; Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry-Davies, Davies Street. Berkeley Square. apothe- cary; first div. of 20s. May 29, and three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchureh Lane. scorns SF.QUESTRATION. NirLIITE, G., Greenock, rice miller, June 4.25.
Friday, May 31.
Hamer, and Co, Rochdale, small's-are dealers-Hamer and Sutcliffe. Roch- dale. tea-dealers-Hope and Robinson. Canterbury, hoymen-Curtis and Harvey. Lombard Street. guirpoa-der manufacturers; as for as regards W. G. Harvey -Aspinall and Co. Srnethwick, iron founders-Bagshaw and Co. Calcutta. agents ; as tar as regards J. Bagshaw-Earl and Pownall, Mauchester, fent-de:dere-Brown nod Twort. Upper Seymour Street, straw-bonnet- makers- Wiustauley and Mid:horn. Kitkdale, plumbers-W. and W. Grinling, Laxfield, Suffolk. grocers -Gibson and Wilson. New- castle-upon-Tyne. grocers-Palmer and Bamford, Birmingham, use-iron-manufacturers -Morris and Barrow, Wigan, solicitors-Horner and Blakey, Darliegton, corm merchants - Driser and Co. Southampton, ironmongers; as far as regards R. !Mier - Whitings and Co. Southwark Bridge Road, batters' furriers; as far as regal ds M. Whit- ing. senior-Moses and CO. Aldgate, slopsellers; us far as regards A. Levy-Wad:nes and Kirby. Datchet, schoolmistresses- Hulse and Rubinson, Hurdsfield. Cheshire, ptiblicans-Freelaud and Co. Rio de Janeiro merchants; as far us regards B. Freeland -F. T. and A. Prue!, Tavistock, grocers-J. G. and T. Udall, Church Street. Cam- berwell, dealers in lace-Ablem and Co. Elmton, Derbyshire. farmers; as far as regards James Aldam-Levy and Co. Liverpool, fruit-merchants -R. and T. Robilisett. Sutton. Lancashire, liree•burners-Dirom and Co. Liverpool; Dirom and Co Bombay ; and Dirom and Co. China, commission-merchants-N. and H. Jebuseu-Repingou and Cu. Cheapeide-Fleming and Wilkins, Manchester. tailors.
Jenkins. Praed Street. Paddington, out of business-Jones, Kidderminster. cord wainer-Plummer. St. Alban's. slopseller-Thomas, Hertford. victualler-Taylor. Aston. Warwickshire. brickanaker - Maltby, Sueinton, Nottingliamelere, out of bun- ners- Penton, Salamanca Cottages, Chelsea. agent-Mann. Bucktersbury. eatiughouse- keeper-Dale. Worthing. baker-Brainy, Old Kent Road, clerk iu the orduauce-office -Edwards. Gravesend. beerallup-keeper -Johnson. Coburg Place- Old Kent Road, barman-Riches. Norwich, news agent-Johnson. Shemiertou Street. leliogtou. tra- veller-Blake, Upper Holloway. carpenter-Townsend junior, otherwise Tamworth, Charlton.-Norfolk, Reigate, porter at a workhouse -Huntington, Liverpool. victualler -Mitchell, Glouceeter. tea-dealer- Habbijam junior, Cumberland Street East. Re- gent's Park, out of lousiness-Price junior. Poplar, grocer-Msckiofuth. Cteet ta Glou- cestershire- Preston. Rupert Street, broker-Francis. Llauelly, Car martheirshrre, farm- Sites ard-Carter, %Valcot, Somersetshire, haulier-Gareham,Newgate Market, butcher.
KEMP. W., Waltham, Lincolnshire, tailor, May 30.
RIDGWAY, J., Chester, fringe-manufacturer.
ANICHINI. (aromas" Botavora Verroxis JOHN, St. Benet's Place. Gracechurch Street. merchant. to surrender June 7. July 2; solicitors. Messrs. Clowes uud Wedlake, Temple; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Burma. BolIERT, Sheffield, merchant, June 13. July 6: solicitors. Mr. Fiddey, Temple; Messrs. Wilson and Co. Sheffield; uflicinl assignee. Mr. Frame, Leeds. BEECH, Truisms. Newcastle-under-Lyme. grocer. Jerre 10, July li sulieirors. Mr. Starrier. Newcastle-under-Lyme; Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham. DETHICK, Wroclaw. Temple Street, Whitefriars. lime-merchaut. ;tine 14. July 12 solicitors, Messrs. Humphrey and Co. Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Basingliall Street. BARBADOS. HENRY RICHARD, Cambridge, nrintseller. June 11, July 16: solicitors, Mr. Tarrant. Walbrook; Mr. Lawreuce, Cambridge ; official assignee, Mr. Pelmet, Basiughall Street. Hums% FREDERICK LANE, Manchester. merchant, June 14, July 4: solicitors. Mr. Illackburne, Leeds; Messrs. Beuuett, Mauchester; official mesiguee, Mr. Ilubsuu, Manchester. LAND. BENJAMIN. St Alban's, victualler, June 7. July 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Roche and Co. Wellington Street ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birehin Lane. LYNN, WILLIAM. Liverpool. hotel-keeper. Juue 12. July 2: solicitors. Messrs. Vin- cent and Sherwood, Temple; and Messrs. Littledale and Bardswell, Liverpool ; msignee. Mr. Morgan. Liverpool. MARDALL, JOHN WHITLY, New Shoreham, June II. July 16: soli- citors. Means. Rolfe and Edereuris, Gray's lun ; and Mr. Edmunds, Worthing; offi- cial assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. TYNDALE. EMANUEL, Ross, Herefordshire. wine-merchant. June 7, July 5 : solicitors, Mr. %Virshbourne, Gloucester ; Messrs. Hall and Mitred, Ross; and Messrs, Stubbs, and Rolliugs, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Vatpy, Buniingbam.
Mrecnzt.o. Jolla, Nottingham, fellmonger. June 10. July 11 : solicitors, Mr. Cana,. Nottinghem ; and Mr. Smith. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Bittlestou, miugham.
Newer:re, THOMAS, HORNSW111. Lincolnshire. cattle dealer, June 11. July 5 solici- tors. Mr. stauilasid. Heston ; and Maw. Barker and Sons, Birmingham ; official as- signee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. OWEN, JOSEPH and SARAH. Sheffield. merehants, June 15. July 3 : solicitors. Mr. Rigg. Southampton Buildings : Messrs. Haywood and Bromley, Sheffield : and Mr. BrallINHA, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
June 21, Powell. Southampton, tailor-June 21. Gorton, Coruhill. merchant-June 21. Foster. Hathern, Leicestershire. tanner-June 15. Hilton and Walsh. Over Darwetek paper makers-June 15. Hilton. Over Banter'. bleacher-Juue 21. Cawood, Sunder- land-near-the-Sea, tobaecouist -Juue 10. Humberstou and Frodsham, Liverpool, cum- miseuenmerchauts-June 24, Geach, Pontypool. timber-merchant.
To be granted. unless rause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting. June 21, Bell, Norwich. surgeon-blue 21, Saundere. Golden Square, boarding- house-keeper-June 21. Lopez. Crutchedfriars wine mercbant-Juue 25. Powell junior. Quadrant. RegeutStreet. lodging-house-keeper. To be granted unless cause be shows ta the contrary on or &Are June 21. Seuthall junior, Birmingham. merchant -Aldred, Nottingham, stationer-Greening,. Woreeeter apothecary-Er ens, Llangelynin, Meriouethshire, miller -Thernsuu, Stoke- upon-Trent, iron manufacturer.
Stott, Rochdale, woollen .mannfacturer ; first div. of Is. Sid. Tuesday June 4, or any subsequeut Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester.