THE test of a truly great man is the universal confession extorted by his death that his place cannot be filled up. The late Mr. CROCKFORD'S reputation stands this difficult test.
It has been said of Lord JOHN RussEss that he would take the command of the Channel Fleet at five minutes' warning. But even that enterprising man would shrink from the responsibility of carrying to a successful close the multifarious and multiform spe- culations of the deceased.
Sir ROBERT PEEL has obtained some credit as a manager of the House of Commons. The skilful way in which he sapped and un- dermined the advanced position taken up and intrenched by Lord ASHLEY, gives new countenance to this old opinion. But though Sir ROBERT may play Neptune (see VIRGIL'S 2Eneid) to the storms of the House of Commons, to preserve anything like the decorous outward show of common honesty in a gambling-club would overtask his powers.
The person who shall succeed to the vacant throne of CROCK- FORD, must with a taste and talent for successful gaming combine a degree of integrity that commands the confidence of noble and gentle blacklegs who know that he has kept their corrupting com- pany for many years.
If any of our leading Members of Parliament or barristers should die tonight, the public would say, with the King in Chevy Chaoe, that there are within the realm " five hundred good as he." Now that we have lost CROCKFORD, WELLINGTON and O'CONNELL are the only public characters of the day to whom no successors could be found. And as there is little chance of Sir HARCOURT Leas beiug able to bring about the repeal of the Emancipation Act, or of a new NAPOLEON rising up to disturb the peace of Europe, with all deference to these great men, CROCKFORD s loss will be more felt than theirs would be. Though the Police have stormed the gaming-houses in Regent's Quadrant—though Sir JAMES GRAHAM has swept the roley-poleys from the race-courses of England, and advances flushed with conquest to crush the " Derby sweeps"—and though the thunders of the law have been directed against Art- Unions—there still survives a gambling public, which requires a CROCKFORD to keep it from becoming too bad.