BRITISH FUNDS. (ClosingPrices.) Saturday Monday Tuesday. Weclues. Thurs. Friday.: 991 991 991 93/ 991 994 991 991 991 991 991 996 981 981 ffile 981 98/ 981 1011 1010 1011 1011 1011 1011 10-1 1021 1021 1021 1024 1021 121 12e 121 121 124 198 198 199 199e 200 1994 - 2861 289 289 288 72 pm. 72 71 71 72
- - 92 DER.
Ct. Mexican 5 p. Ct. roar during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 1131 t Ditto (Deferred) 5 251 151 104 ' Michigan 6 811 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 - Neapolitan 5 - 94 - New York (1858) 5 103 Ohio 6 - 70 131 Pennsylvania 5 - 2S
- PerlIclaU 6 -
ell Portuguese 5 - 1001 Ditto ( Concerted) 451 84f 50c. Russian 5 118e 231/ Spanish 5 - 34g Ditto 3 - 5e 40 Ditto (Passive) 131 93 Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct 22s. - United States Bank Virginia. 6 GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 31.
t'er Quarter (Imperial) of England and 'vales. For the present Week. Wheat 55.. id. Rye . ... . als. 5d. Wheat 1'. odi Rye 10s. 84 Barley ........7 0 Beaus .. 10 6
Oats .........15 6 Peas . ..... .. 31 5 Oats 6 0 Peas 10 6 Weekly Averages for the Week ending MAI( 25.
Wheat, 55s. 19d.-11 arley, 3 se. 7,L-0,11., 51.. 211.-tlye, 31s. 7s1.-Beaus, ass, lid-Peas, 81s. 711::
Town-made ....... ..•......per sack 45s.
Seconds 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 95 Norfolk and Stockton as Average price of Muscovado Sugar ARRA D. 6d. to 14.1. the all, Loaf. BRAN per num ter Os. to POLLARD, fine Os. to - 40 BACON, Small Old, per cwt 0..t• as. Os, HAMS, York 7us, ro Os. Derby Plain 46..10 5/10.
to 50s• BUTTER-Rest Fresh, I2.. Od. pet ■10.•
- as CHEESE. Cheshire 42•-to 74s.
37a 3d. per cwt. Molasses 22s. to 28s. Id. per cwt.; 45 Carlow, 31. 16s. to 41. 4s. per cwt.
WIGS. French... per 130 41. 0d .to gs. ed.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay,Good... .......... . .. 84.. . 904 50s . 135s. Interior 70 . 77 u .. 0 • 0 .. 0
new 99 .. t05 85 -. 110 0 .. 0 ..... 70 ., 105
Clover 29 as so .. 30 Wheat Straw
Beet ve. td. to 8.. 04. to 3,4d. 2..10d. to 9. 64 to ss, ea. Mutton 2 10 .. 3 4 .. 3 10 8 0 .. a g .. 4 Veal 8 0 •• 8 8 .. 4 4 4 0 . 4 4 .. 4 16
Park 2 8 .. S 0 .. 4 0
Leal, 4 8 • • • .. 4 ... , : 6 ' 3 16 ,, 6 4 • To stub Haeofild-perglbs, 2 '' 2 2 ''• 4 la'
during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
- Australasian 10 British North American - Colonial - Luedue and Westmiester - Loudon Joint Stock - National of Ireland National Provincial 651 Provincial of Ireland 111 Union of Australia - Union of London 120 Docxs- - East and West India
471 Loildon
61 St. Katherine
222 Aostraliau Agricultural 181 British American Land 103 Canada.
88/ General Steam 896 New Zealand 351 Royal Mail Steam 871 South Australian 117 Van Diemeu's Laud (Last Official Quotation Muses- 13.1anos Braziliau Imperial.... Ditto (St. John. del Rey) British Iron Caudouga
Cohn: Copper RAILWAYS-
Edinburgh and Glasgow Ea-tern Counties Greed Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighter.
London and Blackaall Loudon and Greenwich Louden and Birmingham
Loudon and Cray-doe
Manchesler aud Leeds Midland Candies North Midland South-eastern rind Dover South-western York and North Midland 93 26f, 15 344 444 26a 13 138 1121 115 281 BULLION.
Gold,Foreign in Hon . .per OS. 31. 17s. ad.
Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars 0 0 0 Megic.n Dollars 0 4 91 Silver in Bars, Standard a 4 111
Copper, British Cakes.per ton 831. Os. t0 e 0 • Iron, British Bars 0 5 0- 6 10 Lead, British Pig 17 0 0 - 0 s 11-
Steel, English 0 u 0 - 0 00 Wheat, RedNew51 1053
Fine 04 ..50
Old 50..5.
White as .. 56
Fine 56. Ss
SuperfineNew56 - 6t Rye 25 to 30 Barley 27 .. 29 Malting 31 ..32 Nett. Ordinary 56 .. 58 Fine 53 .. 63 Peas, Hog .... Or .. Maple 85 to 36 White 55. 56 Boilrrs 26. as Beans, Tick• as .. 35 Old 34 ...AS Harrow 36 .. 118 Oats,Feed . Mine; Fine .. fit.. AB Poland . 23. 24 Fine 04.. 25 Potato..., 25 -26 Fine 27
.3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 31 per Cents Reduced New 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Sock. 7 per cent.
horia Stock. 101 Exchequer Bills, ltd. hr. diem
Ludic Bonds. 31 per cent
(Last Official Quota Alabama (Sterling) 5 p.
Austrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 - Beetles Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chiliati 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 - Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Illinois 6 - Keresicky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Marylaud (Sterling) 5 - Massachusetts (Sterling) 5