The King of Saxony, with his suite, landed at Dover on Tuesday, front the Queen's steam-packet the Princess Alice. The King travels incog- nito, under the title of Count De Hohenstein. Having viewed the Castle and Archeliff fort, the military authorities being in attendance, the King repaired by railway to Penshurst, where he was received by Earl Delawarr ; and thence to Bnekhurst, the Earl's seat. Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar and a select party were invited to meet the Royal tra- veller. On Wednesday, his Majesty, with a numerous party, made a short circuit ; visiting Knole Park, the seat of Lord Amherst ; Redleafe, the seat of Mr. William Wells ; Penshurst Castle, Lord De Lisle's pro- perty—the Lord receiving his Majesty ; and so back to Buckhurst. On Thursday, the King took leave of Lord Delawarr, and passed to Brighton, where he viewed the Pavilion ; and showed himself on the chain-pier ; to Arundel Castle ; Chichester, visiting its cathedral ; Portsmouth, where the Port Admiral played host at dinner and at night. Yesterday, after viewing the Dockyard, the King sailed in the Admi- ral's yacht Fanny to Ryde; took a tour over the Isle of Wight ; and dined and slept at the Club-house. " The King of Saxony," says the France, "has just given orders to the authorities of his kingdom not to give the title of ' Highness' to the Dukes of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Anhalt. Similar directions have been given by the King of Prussia to the authorities of his kingdom who might have any intercourse with the Principalities in question." The Times announces two probable royal marriages, " not devoid of meaning and importance"- " It is confidently asserted that two Neapolitan Princesses are the prornesse rase of the Due d'Aumale and the Prince de Montpensier. One of the betrothed is the daughter of the late King of Naples, by his second wife, and a sister of the Dutcheas de Berry. The other Princess is the daughter of the Prince of Salerno, and was lately refused to the Due de Bordeaux. By these marriages, the royal statesman of France will set at rest the suspicions entertained of his intentions upon the throne of Spain, and place it beyond the power of his restless subjects to complain of his not adopting a policy which would involve his Government in difficulties and his kingdom in a Peninsular war."
Dr. Wolff is reported to have arrived at Meshed, which he was to have left on the 21st March ; the most perilous part of his journey to Bokhara, a distance of three hundred miles, lying before him.
The accounts from Canada state that Sir Charles Metcalfe had been operated upon for cancer in the face ; and the opinion of the operator, /dr. Pollock, was, that the disease was entirely eradicated. Sir Charles bore the operation itself, and the subsequent cauterization, with the greatest fortitude ; and was doing well.
Much alarm was felt in the beginning of the week at a recurrence of unfavourable symptoms in Lord Grey's health ; but it appears to have subsided again. The Duke of Beaufort was thrown from his horse, in Hyde Park, on "Wednesday evening ; falling violently on his back. He was conveyed home in the carriage of a gentleman who happened to be passing.
The Dublin Evening Mail contradicts, on authority, the prevalent rumour of Mr. O'Connell's second marriage.
The Durham Advertiser states that active preparations have begun for erecting a handsome monument to the late Lord Durham, on Pensber Hill ; a building imitated from the Temple of Theseus, at least se- venty feet in height, and visible from a great part of the surrounding country.
The deputation of Irish noblemen and gentlemen, headed by the Duke of Leinster, waited upon Sir Robert Peel on Friday, to urge the continuance of the Ordnance Memoir ; but met with little encourage- ment from the Premier, who gave no hope of support from Govern- ment. The Orange Dublin Evening Mail exclaims—" We are no Re- Ialers ; but we cannot help asking, would an Irish Parliament or an rish Minister have hesitated for one moment in sanctioning or en- couraging a work of such interest and importance ? "
A deputation headed by Mr. P. M. Stewart waited upon Lord Aber- deen on Thursday, to call his attention to the case of Maria Joaquina ; a woman of Madeira, who has been sentenced to death for " heresy and blasphemy "—that is, for abjuring the Roman Catholic religion and becoming a Protestant. The Portuguese Judge who sentenced her is also British Judge Conservator. The result of the interview is said to be " highly satisfactory."
The " grace " proposed by Mr. M`Mullen, by which he sought to be admitted to write his exercises for taking his degree, has been a fourth time rejected in congregation at Oxford: and thus the question is set at rest for a year at least, as twelve months must elapse before his appli- cation can be renewed. It has been reported, but untruly, that Mr. Ikl‘Mullen will lose his Professorship.
In the hall of the Four Courts it was currently received on Friday, that Chief Justice Doherty will be raised to the Peerage, with a seat in the House of Lords ; as Government are much in want of an Irish judi- cial functionary in that assembly to aid the measures introduced by the Cabinet. The present Chancellor, being a Commoner, has no seat in the Lords ; and Chief Justice Doherty's ready eloquence as a Parlia- mentary debater is well known, since he sat as Solicitor-General in the Lower House.—Limerick Chronicle.
The case of Running Rein, de facto winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom races, still excites much interest. On Friday, Mr. Gill, the solicitor to Mr. Alexander Wood the owner, formally applied to the Baron de Teissier and Sir Gilbert Heathcote, the stewards of the Epsom Races, to proceed to the objections taken to the horse by the Ho- nourable George Anson, and by Colonel Peel ; they alleging the horse to be disqualified, as its age exceeded three years: Colonel Peel is the owner of Orlando, the second horse. After some delay, the stewards told Mr. Gill that they had received a letter from Colonel Peel, offering to refer the matter to a barrister to he appointed by the Lord Chief Justice; but announcing that he had commenced an action in the Court of Exchequer against Messrs. Weatherby, the holders of the stakes. Mr. Wood declined the offered settlement ; and the Stewards declined further interference. Mr. Wood also, it appears, has com- menced an action against Messrs. Weatherby, in the Court of Common Pleas. On Thursday, Messrs. Weatherby- obtained rules in both courts, allowing them to pay the stakes into court, and obliging Mr. Wood and Colonel Peel to interplead as against each other ; thus relieving the mere stakeholders from responsibility. The " settling " began at Tat- tersall's on Tuesday ; but the accounts were much embarrassed by the dispute respecting Running Rein and Orlando.
Government have taken measures to suppress the "Derby " and " St.
Leger Lotteries"; a kind of rate-sweepstakes instituted at public- houses for those who choose to bet upon race-horses at a distance.
The Prince De Joinville, in his " Note on the State of the French Navy," mentions some remarkable instances of deficiency. He reckons forty-three steamers in a disposable state, and one war-steamer is thus dismissed—" Its sailing is detestable, and it cannot at the same time carry its artillery and its fuel." Elsewhere he is speaking of three steamers, which he praises in this fashion- " These three vessels are the best of the marine, though too heavy with re- gard to the strength of their motive-power. They have some good qualities; and their speed, without being superior, is satisfactory. Wherever they may appear on foreign stations, we shall not have to undergo humiliating compari- sons; we shall not see, as we did recently in the Levant station, the spectacle of two vessels, one English the other French, issuing from the Plums to convey succour to one of our corvettes, and to draw it from the coast where it had been stranded ; reentering the port, before the eyes of the united squa- drons, the English steamer towing our corvette, and nevertheless contesting in speed with the French one ; which thus closed its part of impotence begun at the place of stranding."
Afterwards he mentions three vessels used as transports, which are provided with a deck to shelter the passengers ; adding-
" On other vessels, in the continual going and coming between the two shores of the Mediterranean, between Algiers and other points of occupation, our soldiers bivouack on deck, summer and winter, wetted by the rain and the sea : and that has lasted for fourteen years—it is the regular state of matters !"
The Irish papers give some account of William Toole, who was charged on Friday with sending threats to Sir Robert Peel and Lord Eliot- " He is a native of the county of Cork, and of respectable family. He is a person over fifty years of age ; and was a long time in the old Constabulary force, and also in the present Metropolitan Police up to last January. In the old force he was considered a useful and active person, and bore an excellent cha- racter. In the new force there appeared so many ' active young fellows' that Toole's talents were eclipsed by the aspirants for Police excellence; and he consequently dwindled down so low as P.C. 53 A in the Castle division. Ha might have ' kept the noiseless tenour of his way' in this position until he could have retired on a pension and reputation, but for an unfortunate circumstance that took place some time in the end of last year. He was charged with an attack on female virtue; and as offences of this kind are punished by the Police Commissioners with merited severity though the offenders he free from legal guilt, he was dismissed the force. Thereupon he went to London, and nothing was since beard of him till he was brought up at the London Police Court. Toole was married to a respectable person, but has been a widower for some years ; and has one son, who is said to be a respectable and well-con- ducted young man. Toole is well known among the Dublin Police."