The English Funds had 'improved k per cent, and up to yesterday the market was steady at the advanced quotation. About the middle of the day, however, a fall of k per eent occurred ; the price of Consols, which had been 96k, receding to 96. The depression was not of long continuance, and the closing quotations were within ksof the highest price. Today the market has again reached the highest quotation of the week, at which it closes,— namely, 96i I both for Money and Account. The business has not been un- portant. The firmness of the market may be attributed to the continued rise of the French Funds, which were yesterday nearly 2 per cent higher than on Saturday ; and the occasional depressions to rumours which have from time to time been circulated, of the recall of the Russian Ambassador from this country, or of Lord Normantry from Paris,—which though con- stently repeated,. and as often refuted, still produce an effect upon the market. Money continues very abundant; the rate of interest upon loans for short periods being from 11 to 2 per cent per annum, while the rate for first-class discounts may be quoted at about 2 per cent
The transactions of the Foreign Market have not been extensive. The business has been chiefly confined to the Russian and Northern European Stocks. Dutch Two-and-a-half are more than 1 per cent higher, and are in demand, being scarce. The Scrip and Stock of the Russian Loan have both advanced about k per cent, and the demand for the latter has been rather extensive. Mexican are_thiner; closing this afternoon at 31 f. The South American Stocks are without material change. The Committee of Spanish Bondholders-have received a conciliatory letter from Madrid : a. slight im- palse has consequently been given to Spanish Stock, which is rather firmer Viz^ last week ; though the transactions have been unimportant. The Railway Share Market is firmer; the advance in the principal Shares being from 21. to 31. The most remarkable feature, however, is an improve- ment of about 21. in Caledonian, which have advanced from Si. and were assininally quoted at the -close of business today at 9} to 10. The business Xransacted has not been of much importance. SATITIIDAY TWELVE O'CLOCK.
- `The French Funds improved nearly 11 per cent in Paris yesterday. The Riming price of Consols was 96k ; but as there was a general disposition to
Echase, the quotation speedily reached .96f both for Money and Account. or two influential though not extensive sales have since occurred ; and price, is now oot /1 both for Money and Account. Hitherto the business trinsacted has not been of magnitude. The Foreign Funds are generally at a trifling improvemeut on yesterday's prices. The transactions recorded are as yet but few. There is an evident improvement in Railway Shares : North-western mark 108, an improvement of more than 11. upon yesterday's price • Great Western have reached 60, an advance of 2/. since yesterday ; and daledonian 10k. The following are the principal transactions—East-
ern Counties, 71; Great Northern, l0 ; Great Western, 59 60 ; North-
western, 107 108; -North British Pre 5 ; Cakdoman; 101 ; Great North. of England Purchase, 11 • SATVILDAT Two o'CLocor.
The English Funds were steady till about one o'clock when a speculative sale of from 100,0001. to 200000/. caused a decline of # per cent. The price of Consols then -fell to 961, both for Money and Account; at which there were for scene time sellers. There was a trifling improvement before the alone; the last quotation being 96# k. Every day has its rumour ; that of today is that both the Russian and Sardinian Ambassadors at the Court of St. James's have been recalled. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been confined to the following bargains : the tendency to improvement, before observable, has been checked by the decline of the English Funds, and the closing quotations are lower than in the morning—Brazilian, 88 ; Danish
'p, 3} premium ; Mexican, 31} 30k ; Peruvian, 761; Ditto Deferred, 83 k ; ere Four per Cents ; 331 ; Russian Four-and-a-balf per Cents, 96'; Mao rip, 3 k ; Spanish Five per Cents, 171 / ; Ditto Three per Cents, 38 ; Dutch Four per Cents, 85 1 k.
The Share Market has given way with the fall in the English Funds; the last. (rations sn many cases indicating a fall. The following are the prm- s recorded—Aberdeen, 8 7f ; -Caledonian, 10# k ; Ditto New, 1 . Preference 61 k ; Eastern Counties, .71'} ; Great Noehern, 101 11 101 ; Great Western, 59 6059} 9 ; Ditto New, 171., 8 ; Lancaster and Carlisle., 52 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 39} 40} ; Ditto Quarter-shares, ;
Dittal. lithe, ; Ditto Thirds, 8 7;; London and Blackwell, ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 83i ; London and North-western, 107 8 61 71;
Fritts New Quarter-shares, Ilk k ; Ditto Fifths, I2 1; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C., II; London and South-western, 64k; Midland, 38 7 8; North British, a 8 7; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 101 10 S4 lot ;
Reading, Guildf and Reigate, 151; Scottish Central, 134 ; South-eastern and Dover, 151 1 151; Ditto Registered No. 4, 5; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, lak 1 f k ; Ditto Extensian,9k1; Ditto G. N....E. Purchase or Pre- ference i
__11 i ; York and North Midl and, 17t11 1; 'Boulogne and Amiens, 611; Namur and liege, 7} k ; Northern of France, 131 ; Orleans and Bor- deaux, 2111; Paris and Strasbourg, oil k ; Rouen and Havre, 81. 3 per Cent Consols Danish 3 per Cents 71 3
Ditto for Account. Dutch 21 per Cents 56 i
3 per CentEeduced 99 Ditto 4 per Cents 31 per Cents 97 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 30 li Loa rtaukities 8 3-16 16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 76 7
9061 7i Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 33 4 Exchequer Bilk 68 71 pat. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1624 81 3 ex d.
India Stock 2674 si, Russian 5 per Cents 106 108 Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 171 1 Belgian-4 per Cents 86 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 371 8*
Chl. 6 per Cents 97 9 Venezuela 31 3 Danish 5 per Cents 97 8