It Was Agreed That The Ease Should Stand Over Till
next court-day, to allow ter had been unable, up to the present time, to obtain the opinion of Sir Fitzroy Kelly en the propriety of applying to the Court of Exchequer for a......
We Are Authorized To Announce That Lord Cottenham Will Be
forthwith raised to the rank of Earl of Cottenham, of Cottenham, in the county of Cambridge, and Viscount Crowhurst, of Crowhurst, in the county of Surrey.—Globe. The......
Otairto Atilt Zulu.
In our last notice of the Opera, we said-hat we thought Madame Frez- zolini's genius essentially tragic, and that we should no more expect to see her than we should have......
A Little Proverbe By M. Alfred De Musset, Entitled Il
fait qu'une porte soil ouverte ou fcrnsie, and recently produced at the St. James's, is worth seeing, partly because it belongs to a class of drama not too familiar, to the......
Tenant-right Meetings Are Springing Up In All Quarters,...
move- ment or agitation seems to be fairly sot a-going. In the province of Con- naught, where hitherto the question rather lagged for the want of stimu- lants in the form of......
The Company Of The Royal Italian Opera Has Been Strengthened
in an important department, this week, by the acquisition or'Signor Ronconi, one of the finest performers in Europe. Verdi's poor opera known by the name of Nino, with sundry......
Stock Excillngy, Frldat Afternoon.
The English Funds had 'improved k per cent, and up to yesterday the market was steady at the advanced quotation. About the middle of the day, however, a fall of k per eent......